sparseGraph.h File Reference

Class interface to sparse undirected graph objects. More...

#include "abstractGraph.h"
#include "sparseRepresentation.h"
#include <sparseInclude.h>

Data Structures

class  sparseGraph
 A class for undirected graphs represented with incidence lists. More...
class  complementaryGraph
 Complementary graph. More...
class  planarLineGraph
 Planar line graphs of 3-dimensional convex polyhedra. More...
class  vertexTruncation
 Vertex truncations of 3-dimensional convex polyhedra. More...
class  facetSeparation
 Facet separations of 3-dimensional convex polyhedra. More...
class  dualGraph
 Undirected duals of planar graphs. More...
class  spreadOutRegular
 Unroll the faces of regular convex polyhedra. More...
class  mycielskianGraph
 Derived graph with increased chromatic number, but with the same clique number. More...
class  voronoiDiagram
 Discrete Voronoi diagrams of graphs with non-negative edge lengths. More...
class  triangularGraph
 Line graphs of complete graphs with a given node set cardinality. More...
class  intersectionGraph
 k-subset intersection graphs with cardinality restrictions on the intersection of adjacent subsets More...
class  sierpinskiTriangle
 Sierpinski triangles with a given depth. More...
class  openGrid
 Place a regular grid in the plane. More...
class  polarGrid
 Place a regular grid on a sphere. More...
class  toroidalGrid
 Place a regular grid on the surface of a torus. More...
class  moebiusLadder
 Moebius ladder, embedded on a projective plane. More...
class  generalizedPetersen
 A family 3-node regular, usually non-planar graphs with high girth. More...
class  gridCompletion
 Place a regular grid in the plane and connect all nodes on common grid lines. More...
class  thresholdGraph
 Threshold graph. More...
class  permutationGraph
 Permutation graph. More...
class  intervalGraph
 Interval graph. More...


#define _SPARSE_GRAPH_H_

Detailed Description

Class interface to sparse undirected graph objects.

Define Documentation

#define _SPARSE_GRAPH_H_