Alternative methods for shortest path solver.
Options for implicit modification of the arc length labels.
Perform a breadth first search.
Solve Bellman's equations or return a negative length cycle.
If no such cycle is found, for every node u (reachable from s), Bellman's equation Dist(u) == min{Dist(v)+Length(v,u) : vu is an eligible arc} is solved. Supposed that the graph is strongly connected, one degree of freedom is left. If s is defined, this is fixed by setting Dist(s) := 0, and a predecessor tree rooted at s is returned. |
Compute a shortest path or a shortest path tree using a specified method.
Compute a shortest path or a shortest path tree by using the default method.
Perform the Bellman-Ford label correcting shortest-path search.
Perform the Dijstra shortest-path search.
Perform the FIFO label correcting shortest-path search.
Determine the discrete Voronoi regions.