Planar representation


enum  abstractMixedGraph::TOptExtractEmbedding {
  abstractMixedGraph::PLANEXT_DEFAULT = 0,
  abstractMixedGraph::PLANEXT_GROW = 1,
  abstractMixedGraph::PLANEXT_DUAL = 2,
  abstractMixedGraph::PLANEXT_CONNECT = 3


TNode abstractMixedGraph::ExtractEmbedding (TOptExtractEmbedding option=PLANEXT_DEFAULT, void *pArg=NULL) throw (ERRejected)
void abstractMixedGraph::SetExteriorArc (TArc a) throw (ERRange,ERRejected)
void abstractMixedGraph::MarkExteriorFace (TArc a) throw (ERRange,ERRejected)
TNode abstractMixedGraph::Face (TArc a) throw (ERRange)
TArc abstractMixedGraph::ExteriorArc () const throw ()
bool abstractMixedGraph::ExteriorNode (TNode v, TNode thisFace=NoNode) const throw (ERRange)
void abstractMixedGraph::ReleaseEmbedding () throw ()

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum TOptExtractEmbedding [inherited]

Method options for ExtractEmbedding().

PLANEXT_DEFAULT  Assign a left-hand face index to every arc.
PLANEXT_GROW  Manipulate the incidence order to achieve as many exterior nodes as possible.
PLANEXT_DUAL  Generate the dual graph explicitly.
PLANEXT_CONNECT  Minimal augmentation to a planar connected graph.

Function Documentation

TArc ExteriorArc  )  const throw () [inherited]

Retrieve an exterior arc.

An arc index in the range [0,1,..,2m-1] or NoArc

bool ExteriorNode TNode  v,
TNode  thisFace = NoNode
const throw (ERRange) [inherited]

Retrieve the left-hand face index of a given arc.

v A node index in the range [0,1..,n-1]
thisFace A face index in the range [0,1..,ND()-1] or NoNode
Return values:
true If thisFace is exterior and v is on thisFace
If thisFace==NoNode, the procedure indeed checks whether v is an exterior node. This works correctly if MarkExteriorFace() has been called in advance.

If thisFace!=NoNode, the check runs on this face. And the First() indicces must be set accordingly.

TNode ExtractEmbedding TOptExtractEmbedding  option = PLANEXT_DEFAULT,
void *  pArg = NULL
throw (ERRejected) [inherited]

Check if the current node incidence ordering constitutes a planar representation.

option Specifies additional operations on the found dual representation
pArg Occasionally, computational results are exported by this pointer
Return values:
NoNode The current node incidence ordering does not encode a planar representation
The number of faces (as in the Euler formula, but only if the graph is connected)
In the case of option=PLANEXT_DEFAULT, the left-hand face indices can be exported to a TNode[m-n+2] array. In the case of option=PLANEXT_DUAL, a pointer to an empty graph must be passed, which is then filled with the dual incidence structure. The other options manipulate the original graph.

TNode Face TArc  a  )  throw (ERRange) [inherited]

Retrieve the left-hand face index of a given arc.

a An arc index in the range [0,1..,2m-1]
A node index in the range [0,1..,n-1] or NoNode

void MarkExteriorFace TArc  a  )  throw (ERRange,ERRejected) [inherited]

Adjust the First() incidences according to an exterior arc.

a An arc index in the range [0,1..,2m-1] or NoArc
If the arc a is defined, loop around the left-hand face of a and adjust the First() incidences so that these arcs defined the counter-clockwise cycle

void ReleaseEmbedding  )  throw () [inherited]

Release the mapping of arcs to left-hand face indices.

void SetExteriorArc TArc  a  )  throw (ERRange,ERRejected) [protected, inherited]

Assign an exterior arc in the attribute pool.

a An arc index in the range [0,1..,2m-1] or NoArc