Matchings & T-Joins


virtual bool abstractGraph::MaximumMatching () throw ()
virtual bool abstractGraph::MaximumMatching (TCap cDeg) throw ()
virtual bool abstractGraph::MaximumMatching (TCap *pLower, TCap *pDeg=NULL) throw ()
virtual bool abstractGraph::MinCMatching () throw ()
virtual bool abstractGraph::MinCMatching (TCap cDeg) throw ()
virtual bool abstractGraph::MinCMatching (TCap *pLower, TCap *pDeg=NULL) throw ()
TFloat abstractGraph::PMHeuristicsRandom () throw ()
TFloat abstractGraph::MinCEdgeCover () throw (ERRejected)
void abstractGraph::ComputeTJoin (const indexSet< TNode > &Terminals) throw (ERRejected)
void abstractGraph::MinCTJoin (const indexSet< TNode > &Terminals) throw ()
bool abstractGraph::SPX_TJoin (TNode s, TNode t) throw (ERRange)

Function Documentation

void ComputeTJoin const indexSet< TNode > &  Terminals  )  throw (ERRejected) [protected, inherited]

Compute a T-join for a given node set T.

Terminals A set of terminal nodes. Must have even cardinality
This is the working procedure for all kinds of T-join solvers. It requires non-negative edge lengths.

bool MaximumMatching TCap pLower,
TCap pDeg = NULL
throw () [virtual, inherited]

Determine a minimum defect (b,c)-matching.

pLower A pointer to an array of lower degree bounds
pDeg A pointer to an array of upper degree bounds or NULL
Return values:
true A perfect matching has been found

Reimplemented in abstractBiGraph.

bool MaximumMatching TCap  cDeg  )  throw () [virtual, inherited]

Determine a maximum k-factor.

cDeg The desired constant node degree
Return values:
true A perfect matching has been found

Reimplemented in abstractBiGraph.

bool MaximumMatching  )  throw () [virtual, inherited]

Determine a maximum b-matching or f-factor.

Return values:
true A perfect matching has been found
The desired node degrees are defined implicitly by the Demand() values.

Reimplemented in abstractBiGraph.

TFloat MinCEdgeCover  )  throw (ERRejected) [inherited]

Provide a minimum length edge cover by the edge colour register.

The total edge length

bool MinCMatching TCap pLower,
TCap pDeg = NULL
throw () [virtual, inherited]

Determine a minimum-cost perfect (b,c)-matching.

pLower A pointer to an array of lower degree bounds
pDeg A pointer to an array of upper degree bounds or NULL
Return values:
true A perfect matching has been found

Reimplemented in abstractBiGraph.

bool MinCMatching TCap  cDeg  )  throw () [virtual, inherited]

Determine a minimum-cost perfect k-factor.

cDeg The desired constant node degree
Return values:
true A perfect matching has been found

Reimplemented in abstractBiGraph.

bool MinCMatching  )  throw () [virtual, inherited]

Determine a minimum-cost perfect b-matching or f-factor.

Return values:
true A perfect matching has been found
The desired node degrees are defined implicitly by the Demand() values. Other than the overloaded methods which take explicit degree information, this allows for the candidate graph heuristic if the graph is dense and if methCandidates >= 0.

Reimplemented in abstractBiGraph.

void MinCTJoin const indexSet< TNode > &  Terminals  )  throw () [inherited]

Compute a T-join for a given node set T.

Terminals A set of terminal nodes. Must have even cardinality
Other than ComputeTJoin(), this can deal with negative length arcs.

TFloat PMHeuristicsRandom  )  throw () [protected, inherited]

Determine a minimum-cost perfect (b,c)-matching by a random heuristic.

The weight of the constructed matching
This step-by-step chooses random nodes and add adjacent arcs increasing by their lenght.

bool SPX_TJoin TNode  s,
TNode  t
throw (ERRange) [inherited]

Compute a shortest path connecting a given node pair.

s The start node of the path to be generated
t The end node of the path to be generated
Return values:
true A shortest st-path has been found
Other than general shortest path methods applied to undirected graphs, this can deal with negative length arcs. The found path is provided by the subgraph labels.