Mapping node and arc indices back
[Graph composition]


virtual TIndex abstractMixedGraph::OriginalOfNode (TNode v) const throw (ERRange)
virtual TIndex abstractMixedGraph::OriginalOfArc (TArc a) const throw (ERRange)
void abstractMixedGraph::ReleaseNodeMapping () throw ()
void abstractMixedGraph::ReleaseArcMapping () throw ()

Function Documentation

TIndex OriginalOfArc TArc  a  )  const throw (ERRange) [virtual, inherited]

Map back an arc index to the original data object.

a An arc index in the range [0,1..,2*m-1]
The index of the original entity
When graph objects are composed from other objects, nodes usually refer to entities in the original object. These entities are most likely but not necessarily nodes.

To have those references, graph objects must be generated with the OPT_MAPPINGS option. The type of referenced entities is application dependant. By conventition, if the referenced entities are arcs, the returned indices encode the original arc orientations. The passed are index also includes the orientation bit, but it is required that OriginalOfArc(a)==OriginalOfArc(a^1).

TIndex OriginalOfNode TNode  v  )  const throw (ERRange) [virtual, inherited]

Map back a node index to the original data object.

v A node index in the range [0,1..,n-1]
The index of the original entity
When graph objects are composed from other objects, nodes usually refer to entities in the original object. These entities are most likely but not necessarily nodes. By conventition, if the referenced entities are arcs, the returned indices also encode the original arc orientations.

To have those references, graph objects must be generated with the OPT_MAPPINGS option and must not have been deleted in advance. The type of referenced entities is application dependant.

void ReleaseArcMapping  )  throw () [inherited]

Irreversibly delete arc index references.

Delete the arc index references which have been materialized due to the OPT_MAPPINGS option passed to the constructor of this object.

void ReleaseNodeMapping  )  throw () [inherited]

Irreversibly delete node index references.

Delete the node index references which have been materialized due to the OPT_MAPPINGS option passed to the constructor of this object.