Building canvasses

Data Structures

class  canvasBuilder
 Builder class interface for displaying a canvas or writing canvas files. More...
class  exportToDot
 This class implements a builder for graphviz dot files. More...
class  exportToTk
 This class implements a builder for Tk canvas files of graph objects. More...
class  exportToXFig
 This class implements a builder for xfig canvas files of graph objects. More...


void abstractMixedGraph::ExportToXFig (const char *fileName) const throw (ERFile)
void abstractMixedGraph::ExportToTk (const char *fileName) const throw (ERFile)
void abstractMixedGraph::ExportToDot (const char *fileName) const throw (ERFile)
unsigned long RGBColour (TIndex c) throw ()
virtual void managedObject::ExportToXFig (const char *fileName) const throw (ERFile,ERRejected)
virtual void managedObject::ExportToTk (const char *fileName) const throw (ERFile,ERRejected)
virtual void managedObject::ExportToDot (const char *fileName) const throw (ERFile,ERRejected)
long canvasBuilder::CanvasCX (double cx) throw ()
long canvasBuilder::CanvasCY (double cy) throw ()
long canvasBuilder::CanvasCXOfPoint (TNode v) throw (ERRange)
long canvasBuilder::CanvasCYOfPoint (TNode v) throw (ERRange)


const char * unixFontType []

Function Documentation

long CanvasCX double  cx  )  throw () [inherited]

Determine the canvas X coordinate value of a layout X coordinate.

cx A layout X coordinate value
The corresponding coordinate canvas value

long CanvasCXOfPoint TNode  v  )  throw (ERRange) [inherited]

Determine the canvas X coordinate value of a layout point.

v A node index ranged [0,1,..,n+ni-1]
The ordinate value of v in the canvas

long CanvasCY double  cy  )  throw () [inherited]

Determine the canvas Y coordinate value of a layout Y coordinate.

cy A layout Y coordinate value
The corresponding coordinate canvas value

long CanvasCYOfPoint TNode  v  )  throw (ERRange) [inherited]

Determine the canvas Y coordinate value of a layout point.

v A node index ranged [0,1,..,n+ni-1]
The abscissa value of v in the canvas

void ExportToDot const char *  fileName  )  const throw (ERFile,ERRejected) [virtual, inherited]

Export a data object to a graphviz dot file.

fileName The destination file name

Reimplemented in abstractMixedGraph.

void ExportToDot const char *  fileName  )  const throw (ERFile) [virtual, inherited]

Export a graph object to a graphviz dot file.

fileName The destination file name

Reimplemented from managedObject.

void ExportToTk const char *  fileName  )  const throw (ERFile,ERRejected) [virtual, inherited]

Export a data object to a tk canvas file.

fileName The destination file name

Reimplemented in abstractMixedGraph.

void ExportToTk const char *  fileName  )  const throw (ERFile) [virtual, inherited]

Export a graph object to a tk canvas file.

fileName The destination file name

Reimplemented from managedObject.

void ExportToXFig const char *  fileName  )  const throw (ERFile,ERRejected) [virtual, inherited]

Export a data object to a xfig canvas file.

fileName The destination file name

Reimplemented in abstractMixedGraph.

void ExportToXFig const char *  fileName  )  const throw (ERFile) [virtual, inherited]

Export a graph object to a xfig canvas file.

fileName The destination file name

Reimplemented from managedObject.

unsigned long RGBColour TIndex  c  )  throw ()

Colour table lookup operation.

Colour indices exeeding the table are translated to some grey RGB colour.

c An internal colour index
An 24 bit RGB colour

Variable Documentation

const char* unixFontType[]