Node degree labels


void abstractMixedGraph::InitDegrees () throw ()
void abstractMixedGraph::InitDegInOut () throw ()
TFloat abstractMixedGraph::Deg (TNode v) throw (ERRange)
TFloat abstractMixedGraph::DegIn (TNode v) throw (ERRange)
TFloat abstractMixedGraph::DegOut (TNode v) throw (ERRange)
TFloat abstractMixedGraph::Divergence (TNode v) throw (ERRange)
void abstractMixedGraph::ReleaseDegrees () throw ()
void abstractMixedGraph::AdjustDegrees (TArc a, TFloat lambda) throw (ERRange)

Function Documentation

void AdjustDegrees TArc  a,
TFloat  lambda
throw (ERRange) [protected, inherited]

Update the degree labels when a subgraph multiplicity changes.

a An node index in the range [0,1..,2m-1]
lambda The amount of shift
This is internally called whenever the subgraph multiplicity of a changes, including the case of deleting the edge. If the multiplicity decreases by an amount lambda, the call AdjustDegrees(a,-lambda) updates the undirected or the directed degree labels of both end nodes, whatever applies.

TFloat Deg TNode  v  )  throw (ERRange) [inherited]

Retrieve a subgraph node degree.

v A node index in the range [0,1..,n-1]
The sum of subgraph multiplicities, counting all incident undirected edges

TFloat DegIn TNode  v  )  throw (ERRange) [inherited]

Retrieve a subgraph node in-degree.

v A node index in the range [0,1..,n-1]
The sum of subgraph multiplicities, counting all arcs entering v

TFloat DegOut TNode  v  )  throw (ERRange) [inherited]

Retrieve a subgraph node out-degree.

v A node index in the range [0,1..,n-1]
The sum of subgraph multiplicities, counting all arcs leaving v

TFloat Divergence TNode  v  )  throw (ERRange) [inherited]

Retrieve a subgraph node imbalance.

v A node index in the range [0,1..,n-1]

void InitDegInOut  )  throw () [inherited]

Initialize the directed degree labels.

For every node, this sums up the subgraph (!) multiplicities of all incident directed arcs. Undirected edges are not counted. The results are available by the methods DegIn() and DegOut() where DegIn() [DegOut()] counts the arcs which are blocking in the leaving [entering] direction.

void InitDegrees  )  throw () [inherited]

Initialize the undirected degree labels.

For every node, this sums up the subgraph (!) multiplicities of all incident undirected edges. Directed arcs are not counted. The results are available by the method Deg().

void ReleaseDegrees  )  throw () [inherited]

Deallocate all node degree labels (directed and undirected).