bigraphToDigraph Class Reference

Network flow reduction of bipartite matching problems. More...

#include <bigraphToDigraph.h>

Inheritance diagram for bigraphToDigraph:

abstractDiGraph abstractMixedGraph managedObject goblinRootObject

Public Member Functions

 bigraphToDigraph (abstractBiGraph &GC, TCap *pLower, TCap *pCap=NULL) throw ()
 bigraphToDigraph (abstractBiGraph &GC, TCap cCap) throw ()
 bigraphToDigraph (abstractBiGraph &GC) throw ()
 ~bigraphToDigraph () throw ()
void Init () throw ()
void SetDegrees () throw ()
unsigned long Size () const throw ()
unsigned long Allocated () const throw ()
bool Perfect () const throw ()
TNode DefaultSourceNode () const throw ()
TNode DefaultTargetNode () const throw ()
TNode StartNode (TArc a) const throw (ERRange)
TNode EndNode (TArc a) const throw (ERRange)
TArc First (TNode v) const throw (ERRange)
TArc Right (TArc a, TNode v) const throw (ERRange)
TCap Demand (TNode v) const throw (ERRange)
bool CDemand () const throw ()
TCap LCap (TArc a) const throw ()
bool CLCap () const throw ()
TCap UCap (TArc a) const throw (ERRange)
bool CUCap () const throw ()
TFloat Length (TArc a) const throw (ERRange)
bool CLength () const throw ()
bool Blocking (TArc a) const throw ()
TFloat C (TNode v, TDim i) const throw (ERRange)
TFloat CMax (TDim i) const throw (ERRange)
TDim Dim () const throw ()
bool HiddenNode (TNode v) const throw (ERRange)
TFloat Flow (TArc a) const throw (ERRange)
void Push (TArc a, TFloat lambda) throw (ERRange,ERRejected)
TFloat Sub (TArc a) const throw (ERRange)

Protected Attributes

TNode n0
TNode n1
TNode n2
TArc m0
TNode s1
TNode t1
TNode s2
TNode t2
TArc ret1
TArc ret2
TArc art1
TArc art2
TCap ccap
TCap sumLower1
TCap sumLower2
TCap sumUpper
TFloat minLength

Detailed Description

Network flow reduction of bipartite matching problems.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

bigraphToDigraph abstractBiGraph GC,
TCap pLower,
TCap pCap = NULL
throw ()

bigraphToDigraph abstractBiGraph GC,
TCap  cCap
throw ()

bigraphToDigraph abstractBiGraph GC  )  throw ()

~bigraphToDigraph  )  throw ()

Member Function Documentation

unsigned long Allocated  )  const throw ()

Reimplemented from abstractDiGraph.

bool Blocking TArc  a  )  const throw () [virtual]

Sort out backward arcs.

a The index of the considered arc ranged [0,1,..,2m-1]
Return values:
true The arc is the reverse of a directed arc

Reimplemented from abstractMixedGraph.

TFloat C TNode  v,
TDim  i
const throw (ERRange) [virtual]

Retrieve a node coordinate value.

v A node index ranged [0,1,..,n+ni-1]
i A coordinate index
The i-th coordinate value of node v

Reimplemented from abstractMixedGraph.

bool CDemand  )  const throw () [virtual]

Check if the node demands are all the same.

Return values:
true All node demands coincide

Reimplemented from abstractMixedGraph.

bool CLCap  )  const throw () [virtual]

Check if the lower capacity bounds are all the same.

Return values:
true All lower capacity bounds coincide

Reimplemented from abstractMixedGraph.

bool CLength  )  const throw () [virtual]

Check if the arc length labels are all the same.

Return values:
true All arc length labels coincide

Reimplemented from abstractMixedGraph.

TFloat CMax TDim  i  )  const throw (ERRange)

Retrieve the maximum coordinate value for a given coordinate index.

i A coordinate index
The maximum i-th coordinate value among all nodes

Reimplemented from abstractMixedGraph.

bool CUCap  )  const throw () [virtual]

Check if the upper capacity bounds are all the same.

Return values:
true All upper capacity bounds coincide

Reimplemented from abstractMixedGraph.

TNode DefaultSourceNode  )  const throw () [virtual]

Retrieve the default source node.

The index of the default source node

Reimplemented from abstractMixedGraph.

TNode DefaultTargetNode  )  const throw () [virtual]

Retrieve the default target node.

The index of the default target node

Reimplemented from abstractMixedGraph.

TCap Demand TNode  v  )  const throw (ERRange) [virtual]

Retrieve a node demand.

v A node index ranged [0,1,..,n-1]
The demand of node v

Reimplemented from abstractMixedGraph.

TDim Dim  )  const throw () [virtual]

Retrieve the coordinate representational dimension.

The coordinate representational dimension

Reimplemented from abstractMixedGraph.

TNode EndNode TArc  a  )  const throw (ERRange) [virtual]

Query the end node of a given arc.

a An arc index ranged [0,1,..,2*mAct-1]
The index of the end node

Reimplemented from abstractMixedGraph.

TArc First TNode  v  )  const throw (ERRange) [virtual]

Retrieve an arc with a given start node.

The First(v) incidence is somewhat arbitrary, since icidence lists are cyclic. But when an arc is inserted, it is inserted into the incidence lists right after the First() incidence. If the graph is planely represented, and v is an exterior node, the first two incidences are usually exterior arcs, and inserting an arc with two exterior end nodes preserves the planar representation.

v A node index ranged [0,1,..,nAct-1]
The index of an outgoing arc

Implements abstractMixedGraph.

TFloat Flow TArc  a  )  const throw (ERRange) [virtual]

Return a flow value.

a An arc index
The flow on this arc (the subgraph multiplicity)

Reimplemented from abstractDiGraph.

bool HiddenNode TNode  v  )  const throw (ERRange) [virtual]

Check wether a given graph node shall be visualized or not.

v A node index ranged [0,1,..,n-1]
Return values:
true This node is not visualized
If the node v is not visualized, none of the incident arcs are visualized

Reimplemented from abstractMixedGraph.

void Init  )  throw ()

TCap LCap TArc  a  )  const throw () [virtual]

Retrieve a lower capacity bound.

a An arc index ranged [0,1,..,2m-1]
The lower capacity bound of arc a

Reimplemented from abstractMixedGraph.

TFloat Length TArc  a  )  const throw (ERRange) [virtual]

Retrieve an arc length.

a An arc index ranged [0,1,..,2m-1]
The length of arc a

Reimplemented from abstractMixedGraph.

bool Perfect  )  const throw ()

void Push TArc  a,
TFloat  lambda
throw (ERRange,ERRejected) [virtual]

Increase or decrease the flow value of the arc a by an amount Lambda.

a An arc index
lambda An amount of flow

Reimplemented from abstractDiGraph.

TArc Right TArc  a,
TNode  v
const throw (ERRange) [virtual]

Query the successor of a given arc in the incidence list of its start node.

a An arc index ranged [0,1,..,2*mAct-1]
v The index of the start node of a (only to reduce lookup times)
The index of the right-hand incident arc

Implements abstractMixedGraph.

void SetDegrees  )  throw ()

unsigned long Size  )  const throw () [virtual]

Implements goblinRootObject.

TNode StartNode TArc  a  )  const throw (ERRange) [virtual]

Query the start node of a given arc.

a An arc index ranged [0,1,..,2*mAct-1]
The index of the start node

Implements abstractMixedGraph.

TFloat Sub TArc  a  )  const throw (ERRange) [virtual]

Retrieve the subgraph multiplicity of a given arc.

a An arc index ranged [0,1,..,2*mAct-1]
The multiplicity of a

Implements abstractMixedGraph.

TCap UCap TArc  a  )  const throw (ERRange) [virtual]

Retrieve an upper capacity bound.

a An arc index ranged [0,1,..,2m-1]
The upper capacity bound of arc a

Reimplemented from abstractMixedGraph.

Field Documentation

TArc art1 [protected]

Artifical arc with end nodes s1 and t2.

TArc art2 [protected]

Artifical arc with end nodes s2 and t1.

TCap* cap [protected]

Array of (upper-lower) node capacities.

TCap ccap [protected]

Node capacity constant.

TFloat* dgl [protected]

Array of node degrees in the original graph.

abstractBiGraph& G [protected]

The original graph.

TCap* lower [protected]

Array of lower node capacities.

TArc m0 [protected]

Number of arcs in the original network.

TFloat minLength [protected]

Minimum edge length of the original graph.

TNode n0 [protected]

Number of nodes in the original network.

TNode n1 [protected]

Number of outer nodes in the original network.

TNode n2 [protected]

Number of inner nodes in the original network.

TArc ret1 [protected]

Return arc with end nodes t1 and s1.

TArc ret2 [protected]

Return arc with end nodes t2 and s2.

TNode s1 [protected]

Source node, s1 == DefaultSourceNode().

TNode s2 [protected]

Additional source node.

TCap sumLower1 [protected]

sum of lower degree bounds on the outer nodes

TCap sumLower2 [protected]

sum of lower degree bounds on the inner nodes

TCap sumUpper [protected]

sum of upper degree bounds

TNode t1 [protected]

Target node, t1 == DefaultTargetNode().

TNode t2 [protected]

Additional target node.