goblinController Class Reference

A class for job / session management. More...

#include <goblinController.h>

Inheritance diagram for goblinController:


Public Types

enum  TFileFormat {

Public Member Functions

 goblinController () throw ()
 goblinController (const goblinController &, bool=false) throw ()
virtual ~goblinController () throw ()
char * Display () const throw ()
void DisplayAll () const throw ()
int FindParam (int pc, char *pStr[], const char *token, int offset=1) throw ()
int FindParam (int pc, const char *pStr[], const char *token, int offset=1) throw ()
void Configure (int ParamCount, const char *ParamStr[]) throw ()
void ReadConfiguration (const char *) throw (ERFile,ERParse)
void WriteConfiguration (const char *) throw (ERFile)
int MajorVersion () throw ()
int MinorVersion () throw ()
char * PatchLevel () throw ()
void ReleaseLPModule () throw ()
unsigned long Size () const throw ()
THandle LinkController () throw (ERRejected)
void RegisterController () throw (ERRejected)
THandle InsertObject (goblinRootObject *) throw (ERRejected)
void RegisterObject (goblinRootObject *, THandle) throw (ERRejected)
void DeleteObject (const goblinRootObject *) throw (ERRejected)
bool IsReferenced () throw ()
void SetMaster (THandle) throw (ERRejected)
THandle Master () throw (ERCheck)
const char * Label () const throw ()
goblinRootObjectObjectPointer (THandle) const throw (ERRejected)
goblinRootObjectLookup (THandle) const throw (ERRejected)
void IncreaseLogLevel () throw (ERRejected)
void DecreaseLogLevel () throw (ERRejected)
void OpenFold (TModule, TOption=0) throw (ERRejected)
void CloseFold (TModule, TOption=0) throw (ERRejected)
double ProgressCounter () const throw ()
double EstimatedExecutionTime () const throw ()
void SuppressLogging () throw ()
void RestoreLogging () throw ()
void PlainLogEventHandler (msgType, TModule, THandle, char *) throw ()
void DefaultLogEventHandler (msgType, TModule, THandle, char *) throw ()
void LogEntry (msgType, THandle, char *) const throw ()
THandle LogStart (msgType, THandle, char *) const throw ()
void LogAppend (THandle, char *) const throw ()
void LogEnd (THandle, char *=NULL) const throw ()
void Error (msgType, THandle, char *, char *) throw (ERRange,ERRejected,ERCheck,ERFile,ERParse)
void Trace (THandle HH, unsigned long priority=0) throw ()
void ResetCounters () throw ()
void ResetTimer (TTimer timer) throw (ERRange)
void ResetTimers () throw ()
void IncreaseCounter ()
bool SolverRunning () const throw ()
unsigned long Rand (unsigned long) throw (ERRange)
TFloat UnsignedRand () throw ()
TFloat SignedRand () throw ()
void SetRandomBounds (long int, long int) throw (ERRejected)
void SetExternalPrecision (int, int) throw (ERRejected)
void SetBounds (TNode, TArc, THandle, TIndex, long int) throw (ERRejected)
TNode MaxNode () const throw ()
TArc MaxArc () const throw ()
THandle MaxHandle () const throw ()
TIndex MaxIndex () const throw ()
long int MaxInt () const throw ()
char ExternalIntLength (long) const throw ()
char ExternalFloatLength (TFloat) const throw ()
template<typename T>
size_t ExternalLength (TFloat value) const throw ()
template<typename T>
size_t ExternalLength (TCap value) const throw ()
template<typename T>
size_t ExternalLength (char *label) const throw ()
template<typename T>
size_t ExternalLength (T value) const throw ()
managedObjectImportByFormatName (const char *filename, const char *formatName) throw (ERParse)
managedObjectImportFromFile (const char *filename, TFileFormat format) throw (ERParse)
managedObjectImport_Native (const char *filename) throw (ERParse)
sparseDiGraphImport_DimacsMin (const char *filename) throw (ERParse)
sparseGraphImport_DimacsEdge (const char *filename) throw (ERParse)
denseGraphImport_DimacsGeom (const char *filename) throw (ERParse)
denseDiGraphImport_SquareMatrix (const char *filename, TFileFormat format) throw (ERParse)
denseGraphImport_TriangularMatrix (const char *filename, TFileFormat format) throw (ERParse)

Data Fields

char * objectExtension
TNode sourceNodeInFile
TNode targetNodeInFile
TNode rootNodeInFile
bool checkMem
char * objectTable
THandle(* newObjectHandler )()
int logMeth
int logMem
int logMan
int logIO
int logRes
int logWarn
int logTimers
int logGaps
int logDepth
int logLevel
ostream * logStream
void(* logEventHandler )(msgType, TModule, THandle, char *)
char logBuffer [256]
bool compoundLogEntry
char savedErrorMethodName [256]
char savedErrorDescription [256]
THandle savedErrorOriginator
msgType savedErrorMsgType
int displayMode
int xShift
int yShift
double xZoom
double yZoom
int legenda
char * wallpaper
int traceLevel
int commLevel
int breakLevel
int traceData
int threshold
int fileCounter
int traceStep
void(* traceEventHandler )(char *)
int methFailSave
int methSPX
int methMST
int methMXF
int methMCC
int methMCFST
int methMCF
int methNWPricing
int methMaxBalFlow
int methBNS
int methDSU
int methPQ
int methLocal
int methSolve
int methMinCBalFlow
int methPrimalDual
int methModLength
int methCandidates
int methColour
int methHeurTSP
int methRelaxTSP1
int methRelaxTSP2
int methMaxCut
int methLP
int methLPPricing
int methLPQTest
int methLPStart
int maxBBIterations
int maxBBNodes
int methFDP
int methPlanarity
int methOrthogonal
bool(* stopSignalHandler )()
int randMin
int randMax
int randUCap
int randLCap
int randLength
int randGeometry
int randParallels
TFloat epsilon
TFloat tolerance

Static Public Attributes

static char const * pMipFactory = NULL
static char * controllerTable = NULL
static goblinRootObjectfirstController = NULL

Detailed Description

A class for job / session management.

With every data object, a controller object is assigned. This controller object handles the following:

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

goblinController  )  throw ()

goblinController const goblinController ,
bool  = false
throw ()

~goblinController  )  throw () [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

void Configure int  ParamCount,
const char *  ParamStr[]
throw ()

void DeleteObject const goblinRootObject  )  throw (ERRejected)

char * Display  )  const throw () [virtual]

Implements goblinRootObject.

void DisplayAll  )  const throw ()

void Error msgType  ,
THandle  ,
char *  ,
char * 
throw (ERRange,ERRejected,ERCheck,ERFile,ERParse)

char ExternalFloatLength TFloat   )  const throw ()

char ExternalIntLength long   )  const throw ()

size_t ExternalLength value  )  const throw ()

size_t ExternalLength char *  label  )  const throw ()

size_t ExternalLength TCap  value  )  const throw ()

size_t ExternalLength TFloat  value  )  const throw ()

int FindParam int  pc,
const char *  pStr[],
const char *  token,
int  offset = 1
throw ()

int FindParam int  pc,
char *  pStr[],
const char *  token,
int  offset = 1
throw ()

void IncreaseCounter  ) 

THandle InsertObject goblinRootObject  )  throw (ERRejected)

bool IsReferenced  )  throw ()

const char * Label  )  const throw () [virtual]

Implements goblinRootObject.

THandle LinkController  )  throw (ERRejected)

goblinRootObject * Lookup THandle   )  const throw (ERRejected)

int MajorVersion  )  throw ()

THandle Master  )  throw (ERCheck)

TArc MaxArc  )  const throw ()

THandle MaxHandle  )  const throw ()

TIndex MaxIndex  )  const throw ()

long int MaxInt  )  const throw ()

TNode MaxNode  )  const throw ()

int MinorVersion  )  throw ()

goblinRootObject * ObjectPointer THandle   )  const throw (ERRejected)

char * PatchLevel  )  throw ()

unsigned long Rand unsigned  long  )  throw (ERRange)

void ReadConfiguration const char *   )  throw (ERFile,ERParse)

void RegisterController  )  throw (ERRejected)

void RegisterObject goblinRootObject ,
throw (ERRejected)

void ReleaseLPModule  )  throw ()

void ResetCounters  )  throw ()

void SetBounds TNode  ,
TArc  ,
THandle  ,
TIndex  ,
long  int
throw (ERRejected)

void SetExternalPrecision int  ,
throw (ERRejected)

void SetMaster THandle   )  throw (ERRejected)

void SetRandomBounds long  int,
long  int
throw (ERRejected)

TFloat SignedRand  )  throw ()

unsigned long Size  )  const throw () [virtual]

Implements goblinRootObject.

bool SolverRunning  )  const throw ()

void Trace THandle  HH,
unsigned long  priority = 0
throw ()

TFloat UnsignedRand  )  throw ()

void WriteConfiguration const char *   )  throw (ERFile)

Field Documentation

int breakLevel

bool checkMem

int commLevel

char * controllerTable = NULL [static]

int displayMode

TFloat epsilon

int fileCounter

goblinRootObject * firstController = NULL [static]

goblinRootObject* firstObject

pGoblinTimer* globalTimer

int legenda

goblinRootObject* masterObject

int maxBBIterations

int maxBBNodes

int methBNS

int methCandidates

int methColour

int methDSU

int methFailSave

int methFDP

int methHeurTSP

Default TSP heuristic method according to abstractMixedGraph::THeurTSP.

int methLocal

int methLP

int methLPPricing

int methLPQTest

int methLPStart

int methMaxBalFlow

int methMaxCut

Default max-cut method according to abstractMixedGraph::TMethMaxCut.

int methMCC

Default method for the min-cut solver according to abstractMixedGraph::TMethMCC.

int methMCF

Default method for the min-cost flow solver according to abstractMixedGraph::TMethMCF.

int methMCFST

Default method for the min-cost st-flow solver according to abstractMixedGraph::TMethMCFST.

int methMinCBalFlow

int methModLength

int methMST

Default method for the spanning tree solver according to abstractMixedGraph::TMethMST.

int methMXF

Default method for the max-flow solver according to abstractMixedGraph::TMethMXF.

int methNWPricing

int methOrthogonal

Default orthogonal drawing method according to abstractMixedGraph::TMethOrthogonal.

int methPlanarity

Default plane embedding method according to abstractMixedGraph::TMethPlanarity.

int methPQ

int methPrimalDual

int methRelaxTSP1

Default relaxation method for the TSP initial bounding procedure according to abstractMixedGraph::TRelaxTSP.

int methRelaxTSP2

Default relaxation method for the TSP branch & bound procedure according to abstractMixedGraph::TRelaxTSP.

int methSolve

int methSPX

Default method for the shortest path solver according to abstractMixedGraph::TMethSPX.

THandle(* newObjectHandler)()

char* objectExtension

char* objectTable

char const * pMipFactory = NULL [static]

int randGeometry

int randLCap

int randLength

int randMax

int randMin

int randParallels

int randUCap

TNode rootNodeInFile

char savedErrorDescription[256]

char savedErrorMethodName[256]

msgType savedErrorMsgType

THandle savedErrorOriginator

TNode sourceNodeInFile

bool(* stopSignalHandler)()

TNode targetNodeInFile

int threshold

TFloat tolerance

int traceData

void(* traceEventHandler)(char *)

int traceLevel

int traceStep

char* wallpaper

int xShift

double xZoom

int yShift

double yZoom