Graph series
[Graph composition]

Data Structures

class  regularTree
 A regular tree. More...
class  butterflyGraph
 Layered regular digraph. More...
class  cyclicButterfly
 Regular digraph with a cyclic layering. More...
class  mycielskianGraph
 Derived graph with increased chromatic number, but with the same clique number. More...
class  triangularGraph
 Line graphs of complete graphs with a given node set cardinality. More...
class  intersectionGraph
 k-subset intersection graphs with cardinality restrictions on the intersection of adjacent subsets More...
class  sierpinskiTriangle
 Sierpinski triangles with a given depth. More...
class  openGrid
 Place a regular grid in the plane. More...
class  polarGrid
 Place a regular grid on a sphere. More...
class  toroidalGrid
 Place a regular grid on the surface of a torus. More...
class  moebiusLadder
 Moebius ladder, embedded on a projective plane. More...
class  generalizedPetersen
 A family 3-node regular, usually non-planar graphs with high girth. More...
class  gridCompletion
 Place a regular grid in the plane and connect all nodes on common grid lines. More...
class  thresholdGraph
 Threshold graph. More...
class  permutationGraph
 Permutation graph. More...
class  intervalGraph
 Interval graph. More...