abstractMixedGraph.h File Reference

abstractMixedGraph class interface More...

#include "investigator.h"
#include "goblinQueue.h"
#include "disjointFamily.h"
#include "hashTable.h"
#include "indexSet.h"
#include "attributePool.h"

Data Structures

class  abstractMixedGraph
 The base class for all kinds of graph objects. More...
class  iGraph
 The default implementation of graph investigators. More...
class  demandNodes
 Index sets representing graph nodes with non-zero demand. More...
class  colouredNodes
 Index sets representing graph nodes with a specified colour. More...
class  kempeNodes
 Index sets representing graph nodes with one of two specified colours. More...
class  colouredArcs
 Index sets representing graph arcs with a specified colour. More...
class  nonBlockingArcs
 Index sets representing non-blocking arcs. More...
class  subgraphArcs
 Index sets representing subgraph arcs. More...
class  inducedArcs
 Arc index set induced by a specified node index set. More...

Detailed Description

abstractMixedGraph class interface